Sunday, November 8, 2009

Good Morning, Internet

Good morning Internet. I'm posting the very first, very historic entry from my bed - I imagine this is where you'll be getting most updates from me. And I'm wondering what the trajectory of this blog should be - it would be too boring if it was just my life, just cuz the things I do every day aren't that exciting. But! The things I think! Now there's some ripe, hot, juicy material I know y'all would be interested in. So I'ma try to speak my mind, put my point of view on stuff/things out into the universe, and maybe after some time this blog will develop some sort of theme or style and I'll be proud to be its owner. And if something interesting or exciting DOES unexpectedly occur, well then my friends... you will know, and I will divulge in gross detail what has happened, and it will be delicious.

That being said, for now this will just be sorta free-form, Twitteresque, slam-poetry, Text Twist kinda shit. Let me know if you're following or if you're into the idea - the more people interested, the more motivated I'll be to please ya. Until next time, it's nap time.

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